The book of outstanding modern mathematician Vladimir Arnold is written about purely mathematical problems, but passionately and enthusiastically. Its main content is an article of 2002, in which the author discusses two understandings of mathematics. According to one of them, this science is a “consequence of arbitrary axioms”, according to the other – “a branch of natural science and theoretical physics”.
The book of outstanding modern mathematician Vladimir Arnold is written about purely mathematical problems, but passionately and enthusiastically. Its main content is an article of 2002, in which the author discusses two understandings of mathematics. According to one of them, this science is a “consequence of arbitrary axioms”, according to the other – “a branch of natural science and theoretical physics”. Arnold analyzes meaningful examples showing the cardinal differences in these points of view. Of course, it is designed for current and future mathematicians, but convincingly shows any reader
how deeper and wider than we are used to thinking, there may be a view of accurate sciences if their reasons are stated a brilliantly erudite and versatile scientist.
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